Training the Bride Reluctant D s Shaving Erotica Reluctant D s By Sabine Winters
Alisa is about to get married, but the gorgeous best man, Lance, has dirty pictures of her – and if she doesn't do what he says, the wedding's off. Will Alisa give in to Lance's demands and allow him to unlock the submissive side of her? And what will happen when she discovers how much she loves it?This 4000-word story contains reluctant D/s, erotic shaving, humiliation, and plenty of hot sex. Adults only!—————An excerpt from TRAINING THE BRIDE:Lance stood up, walking to me. He looked me up and down, his intense gaze slow, taking in every part of me. I felt like I was being undressed just standing there, and I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't shiver under that stare. It was so sexual, so hot – just the way he looked at me.“I think we oughta get you all ready for Adam. Your wedding night's coming up, don't you want to be all pretty and perfect for him?” Lance smiled. He didn't reach out, didn't touch me, even though he was close enough to. “Take your clothes off, Alisa.”I should have said no. I should have refused him then and there and stomped out of there without another word.I didn't.
This collection of short stories has been an absolute pleasure to read. But still, plenty to sink your teeth into in this wonderful Training the Bride Reluctant D s Shaving Erotica Reluctant D s
This was my first of Training the Bride Reluctant D s Shaving Erotica Reluctant D s to read and it was so good that it went by way to fast as I couldn’t seam to lay it down. I will be looking for all her other Kindle books now.